Friday, August 31, 2012

Planet Bananas part 1

Here's a comic that was published through AAU's comic anthology, Figments #5.  There was a four month waiting period where I couldn't post or publish it anywhere else, but that waiting period is over! If you like it, then you can also download the insanely awesome motion comic version for FREE on your Ipad through the app store (just look up "figments" and you're there.  Anyway, here's part one (part two will be coming out in a couple of months.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Doomsday Omega Red

My marvel/DC comics mashup

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Venom Girl

Alright, here's my drawing of the venom girl contest from AAU's mini-drawing challenge.  We had to take one of the photos from the venom photo-shoot that was kicked off of facebook.  It features a female cosplayer that went all out to make a pretty sweet venom costume.  Anyway, here's the steps

I usually just do these in a sketch book with a blue col-erase pencil, then mess it in photoshop to make it look like graphite.  I'm left handed, so I need to use the waxy col-erase pencil or else I'll smear the drawing all over the page- plus, the blue col-erase is easy to get rid of in photoshop.

I inked this directly into the sketchbook using brushes, and some microns for the trickery line work and small details.
Textures, color, and some special effects and BAM, we're done.